High Consumer Engagement and QPS Benchmarking Survey Result - Lorne Community Hospital Aged Care Services
Lorne Community Hospital was established over 50 years ago and is highly valued and respected by the local community. It provides a modern work environment, which is well equipped with current technology and equipment. A broad range of services include: Aged Residential, Acute Hospital, Emergency, Community Health, Home Nursing, Medical, Rehabilitation and Palliative Care.
Building a healthy community is a key priority for Lorne Community Hospital. It is important for the community, staff, residents, and patients to feel supported, engaged and involved in the organisations’ decision-making processes.
To ensure our residents and relatives have the opportunity to provide input into the running of the nursing home, we conduct regular meetings. We have residents on interview panels and project working groups to ensure their voices are heard. A quarterly newsletter is also distributed to residents and relatives with the latest Hospital news and events.

Aged Care resident Ulric Orr (second from the left) at a staff meeting to promote the Grand Tour of Europe walking tour project.
Another avenue in which the Hospital engages with the community is through events. A number of events are held in the nursing home each year that we invite community members to attend. These include; themed lunches, grand openings, workshops and music concerts. Just to name a few. Many of the local voluntary organisations such as the Lorne Op Shop, Men’s Shed and Lions Club regularly support and attend these events. The community have a vested interest in the running and future stability of what they refer to as ‘their’ aged care facility.
A recent staff and community event worth noting is the Grand Tour of Europe virtual walking tour. Over a 10 month period residents in our aged care facility will experience a taste of each country with experiences that involve food, cultural activities, music and more. In addition, with the help of staff and community groups, the residents will ‘walk’ their way across Europe aiming to reach a goal of 1 million steps per month. The community were also invited to a formal British ‘high tea’ to celebrate the tour commencing.

LCH aged care resident showing off her stamped Grand Tour of Europe passport.
The outcome of these initiatives is the high 95% results achieved in both the QPS Benchmarking Resident and Relative Experience Surveys. The Resident Survey results have achieved scores higher than 90% for all domains, including autonomy and choice, meals and dining and the care approach. The Net Promoter Score (NPS®) received from residents is +90 and all relatives are loyal promoters of Lorne Residential Aged Care achieving +100 NPS. Wellbeing is the highest scoring domain at 98.33% and the residents Quality of Life Index is also high, with 80% of residents demonstrating improvements due to the social activities and self-efficacy.
“We could not provide such an excellent service to our aged care residents without a great team of staff. They work hard to maintain a positive workplace culture, provide a safe, nurtured and ‘home like’ environment for the residents.” Andrea Russell, Clinical Services Manager

The local school children dropped in to spend some time with our residents.
Emily Lens, Marketing and Communications Officer