Consumer Experience & Loyalty – Kellock Lodge
Want to measure the loyalty of your consumers? Do you know if your consumers will recommend the care and services provided by your home to other family and friends?

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The QPS Benchmarking Stakeholder Experience Surveys provide consumers with an opportunity to regularly evaluate and have input into the quality of care and services received. The survey results and feedback are a valuable resource providing insights into the organisations performance, resident’s expectations and needs. This information assists providers to identify improvement opportunities to further enhance resident’s experience and quality of life.
As the aged care market continues to become more competitive, service providers can use the information gained from the QPS surveys as key lead indicators to predict business growth and provides a powerful marketing tool to promote the care and services provided to current and potential stakeholders.
Kellock Lodge, a not for profit organisation have been providing care and services since 1984 and is today, home to 50 residents within the Murrindindi Shire. Andrea Appelman, Director of Care has shared their survey process, high Resident & Relative Experience Survey results and how they have developed and maintained a strong rapport with their key stakeholders.
Survey Approach & Process:
We firstly communicated the purpose of the QPS Benchmarking Resident Experience Survey at our residents meeting and explained we will be utilising a volunteer to provide assistance to complete the surveys. Prior to conducting the surveys, we met with our volunteer to provide training on the survey approach and procedure to follow. We identified the residents that were cognitively capable of completing the survey and our volunteer spoke to each resident, individually, providing a personalised approach. The outcome was exceptional with all residents that our volunteer spoke to, agreeing to completing the survey. We have used the same volunteer to conduct our Resident Experience Surveys for two consecutive years which provided a familiar face and made the residents feel comfortable in participating in the survey process. The personal one to one approach has been instrumental in achieving a high response rate. The Relatives Experience Survey was sent out to all relatives and surveys were also available to be collected at the front counter of the home. Whilst visiting they could complete the survey and drop it off at reception to maintain confidentiality and anonymity.
Survey Results:

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Our QPS Benchmark & Trend Report demonstrates our Resident Experience Survey Results have been performing over 97% for 3 consecutive years and placed well above the QPS Benchmarking industry results over the same period. We also achieved an overall result of 91.93% for our Relatives Experience Survey this year.
At Kellock Lodge our goal is to ensure every resident continues to enjoy a positive ‘Quality of Life’ day to day experience. Our model of care is flexible to meet the needs of the individual resident. Resident rights and responsibilities are advocated, whilst privacy and dignity is maintained. We really try to allow the residents to have good choices and make informed decisions. We encourage residents to be involved in their care; identifying their capabilities, choice and preferences.We feel it is important to allow ‘Dignity of risk’ for residents. We respect each residents’ right to make informed decisions about their health, life and wellbeing. These decisions often carry an element of risk. It is our role to recognise and minimise the risk, whilst providing the resident tools to make informed decisions. We recognise ‘Our residents don’t live in our workspace, we work in their home’.
The care staff and lifestyle team at Kellock Lodge ensure they spend a great deal of time with our residents. Non-clinical staff also often visit the dining room to interact with residents. My door is always open, residents can come and go as they please and I liaise regularly with relatives by phone and email. Our residents really enjoy and value the recreational program with high engagement and attendance noted in the activities that are provided. Regular resident meetings are held and both residents and relatives are proactive in attending and participating in the meetings. The meetings facilitate open communication and ensure residents and relatives are consulted and provided with an opportunity to have input into the day to day life at the home. A regular newsletter is also distributed to key stakeholders to keep them informed of the happenings of the home.
A number of positive comments were evident in our latest Resident and Relatives Experience Survey Results which supports the high stakeholder experience results achieved at Kellock Lodge.
Survey Feedback;
Quality Initiatives & Feedback of Results:
The results of the QPS Resident & Relatives Experience Surveys are reviewed to identify quality improvement opportunities which are logged onto our Quality Plan and discussed at various committee meetings. The areas of strength and opportunities for improvement are discussed at resident and relative meetings and ideas to further improve the care and services are brainstormed. The results are also distributed to the board for their input and are communicated to all key stakeholders via our newsletter.
Andrea Appleman, Director of Care, Kellock Lodge

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